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Introducing our New Strategic Plan

Introducing our New Strategic Plan

On Sunday, August 27, members of the Bishop Lynch community gathered for Mass to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of our school. We had a wide variety of groups and supporters present to celebrate this important milestone in the life of BL. In fact, if you think about a generation as being defined as 30 years or so, we had participation by all three generations of students and their families that have been or are currently being served by the school. The celebration of BL’s anniversary was a multi-generational celebration that continues to honor the sacred duty of handing on all that is special about our community and mission.

We enter this third generation in the life of the school walking with young men and women and their

families in a spirit of pilgrimage. In a pilgrimage, different kinds of people walk together with a common purpose in mind, often with a roadmap to guide them to their destination. This roadmap for Bishop Lynch for the next 5 years is our new strategic plan. This guiding document was developed over the course of 12 months with input from all the school’s primary stakeholders.

This new strategic plan is reflective of the unique culture and spirit of BL with the aim of adapting to the current and emerging needs of the students, their families, and the wider community. In addition, the plan provides guidance about how to “strive for excellence.” The BL plan is intentionally crafted to challenge our school community to live ever more fully who we are called to be.

I often remind students that BL’s vision is best captured by the words of St. Catherine of Siena: “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” This exciting plan, crafted from the wisdom of a variety of people who love BL and are convinced of its crucial mission in our community, gives us direction to live the ideal expressed by St. Catherine. Her ideal informs our vision while we embark on the journey, in a spirit of pilgrimage, of serving the third generation of Friars and the many generations to come.

All the best in this new school year,

Chad Riley, Ph.D.