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Gabriel "Gaby" Bonet Nominated for the Hal Tehan Award

Gabriel "Gaby" Bonet Nominated for the Hal Tehan Award

Each year, local Catholic high schools may nominate a junior student who exemplifies Catholic values, actively participates and contributes to the community, and whose academic accomplishments shine amongst their classmates for The Catholic Foundation's Hal Tehan Award.

This year, Bishop Lynch High School was honored to nominate Gabriel "Gaby" Bonet for his embodiment of our Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community, and service.

Gaby's time at Bishop Lynch has been marked by care for his neighbor through his involvement with campus ministry service events, the Hope Squad, the DISD Headstart Campus Pre-K Partnership program, and his co-founding of the Bishop Lynch Texas Advocacy Project Club.

In addition to his scholastic achievement and membership in numerous academic honor societies, Gaby has demonstrated a love for servant leadership amongst his peers throughout his high school career as a BL Ambassador, men's soccer captain, Angelico House chaplain and vice captain, and member of the student-athlete leadership cohort.

The Catholic Foundation Board of Trustees will review the nominations and award the scholarship winner at their annual dinner in February.

Please join us in congratulating Gaby on this well-deserved nomination!