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Catholic Schools Week Brings Faith, Community, and Scholarship

Catholic Schools Week Brings Faith, Community, and Scholarship
BL students enjoying Catholic Schools Week lunch!

This year’s Catholic Schools Week festivities celebrated the members of the Bishop Lynch community who bring the mission to life. From donuts and hot cocoa for parents on Monday, to coffee and a take-home meal for faculty and staff at the end of the week, the week was full of opportunities to reflect with gratitude on what it means to be believe and belong.

Catholic School Week

In addition to these activities, the Bistro prepared a special lunch for students following All School Mass, students offered prayers and notes of thanks for BL's clergy and religious including alumni in seminary formation, and BL hosted its first Course Selection Fair. Several BL faculty took advantage of the opportunity to highlight program offerings for the coming school year, and to announce new courses that will be available to students for the first time in preparation for course selections beginning Feb. 20.

Check out these highlights from the fair!

  • Faith and Science- Theology and Science Departments (NEW)
  • Film 1 & 2- English Department
  • Holocaust Studies- Social Studies Department
  • Literature and History of Rock and Roll- English Department
  • Military History of Modern Europe- Social Studies Department
  • Portfolio 2D- Fine Arts Department
  • The History of Mexico (Honors)- World Language Department 
  • The History of Rome- Social Studies Department (NEW)

Thanks to all who made this Catholic Schools Week a fun time to be a Friar!