In early January, Bishop Lynch High School alumni came back to campus for the annual young alumni luncheon - fondly known as Alumni Taco Tuesday. It is always heartwarming to reconnect with these recent graduates and hear about their collegiate pursuits. Two common themes are present in these interactions. One is how Bishop Lynch prepared them for the rigors of collegiate academics, and the second is that they view BL as a home and are eager to catch up with their Friar family.
Bishop Lynch High School continuously works to create a culture of belonging on campus, and this applies to the learning taking place in our classrooms as well. Whether it is an honors, Advanced Placement, dual enrollment, on-level, or essentials course, each student can find a place to belong and thrive on their high school academic journey at BL.
Three years ago, Bishop Lynch began implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a bedrock of our classroom instructional philosophy and practice. UDL is a framework that optimizes teaching and assessments for all learners, and the very foundation of UDL is belonging. Between the UDL framework and our team of faithful, caring and dedicated faculty members, all learners are embraced at Bishop Lynch High School.
Each student is on his or her own academic journey at Bishop Lynch. Regardless of a student’s course level/load, I encourage everyone to take advantage of the learning resources available on campus. From our learning specialist to the Math Resource Center and Writing Center to peer tutoring with National Honor Society members, pledge to seek academic help this semester if you need it.
It won’t be long until our current students are visiting campus for Alumni Taco Tuesday, and we’ll want to hear about their college successes and fond Friar memories, and that all starts with a sense of belonging and academic commitment today.
Looking forward to a great semester ahead, Friars!
Mrs. Piazza